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UNWTO/CTO workshop ends with commitment to improve tourism product



The 27-31 March workshop, organized by the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) and the United Nations agency, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), brought together 26 stakeholders in the tourism industry from 12 CTO member countries to explore ways to make their destinations and the region more globally competitive.

“研討會是一個非常中肯的研討會。 它讓利益相關者有機會研究可持續旅遊業,這對我們的領土和加勒比國家非常重要,”聖基茨硫磺山堡壘國家公園協會總經理珀西瓦爾漢利說。



牙買加旅遊部戰略規劃和評估高級總監埃莉西亞·邁爾斯(Elecia Myers)對此大開眼界,她說她現在將從更具戰略意義的角度著眼於可持續的目的地管理和營銷。





探索的關鍵領域包括營銷創新、目的地競爭力、開發可持續旅遊體驗以及目的地管理和營銷的成功模式。 通過前往 Fond Latisab Creole Park、Lushan Country Life 和 Sulphur Springs and Volcano 進行實地考察,參與者還能夠將學習過程帶出這個房間,進入現實世界。

“可持續的目的地管理和市場營銷是我們地區大多數國家都在認真研究的領域–我們如何有效地營銷和管理目的地,以便我們能夠在全球範圍內具有競爭力,”首席技術官資源調動和營銷總監Bonita Morgan說。發展。

The executive training workshop was organized by the CTO and the UNWTO through its Themis Foundation, and was held in collaboration with the Saint Lucia ministry of tourism and the board of tourism.

“This UNWTO/CTO workshop main objective was to constitute a participative platform where we all could share experiences and knowledge as well as instruments that can be applied back in participants’ countries, institutions, businesses and destinations. And I believe we have achieved that objective by bridging theory and practice in a very participative workshop,” said Alba Fernández Alonso, the course coordinator at the Themis Foundation, the entity responsible for implementing the UNWTO’s education and training program.
