Tourism Minister Walter Mzembi elected to an African Union Leadership Position

The Zimbabwe UNWTO Candidate for Secretary of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Eng. Walter Mzembi,  landed an AfricanUnion (AU) Leadership position in Lome, Togo on  17 March 2017.

African Tourism, Energy and Infrastructure  Ministers in Togo for the AU STC Meetings reaffirm their faith in Zimbabwe leadership in Tourism and elected the Hon. Eng. Walter Mzembi, Tourism & Hospitality Industry Government of Zimbabwe, as their Vice Chair of the Bureau of the AU-STC.

This is seen as another important step to accept the Zimbabwe minister to lead UNWTO starting 2018.

津巴布韋代表團出席由旅遊和酒店業副部長 Hon 率領的非洲聯盟 (AU) 運輸、跨洲和跨區域基礎設施、能源和旅遊專業技術委員會 (STC) 第一屆常會。 Anastancia Ndhlovu (MP) 在這個南部非洲國家被一致推選為副主席後,讓津巴布韋感到自豪。 AU-STC 於 17 年 2017 月 16 日在多哥洛美舉行會議,並根據非洲聯盟基礎設施和能源委員會議事規則第 XNUMX 條選舉主席團。

主席團由主席、副主席 3 名和報告員組成。 津巴布韋當選為第二屆副主席,在接下來的兩年中代表 AU-STC 的旅遊業和南部非洲地區,直到 2 年。每年舉行一次會議的主席團其他成員是多哥 - 主席(代表運輸部門和西非地區),毛里塔尼亞 - 第一副主席(代表能源部門和北非地區),埃塞俄比亞 - 第三副主席(代表能源部門和東非地區)和剛果 - 報告員(代表運輸部門和中非地區)。 該局是負責基礎設施、能源、運輸和旅遊部門的部長執行機構,負責為非洲聯盟基礎設施和能源委員會以及專門技術專家委員會的工作方案提供政策和監督領導作用。

在津巴布韋總統閣下於 2015 年 2016 月至 2063 年 2030 月再次成功擔任非盟主席之後,津巴布韋當選非洲聯盟基礎設施和能源委員會主席團還不到一年。這次選舉,興高采烈的副部長Hon。 Anastancia Ndhlovu 說:“這次選舉是對非洲最偉大的兒子、總統 RG 穆加貝先生所做的偉大工作的認可和認可,他帶領非盟首腦會議通過了具有里程碑意義的 XNUMX 年議程,以 XNUMX 年為基礎。可持續發展目標。 這確實非常令人興奮,它只是證實了總統閣下無與倫比的領導力所留下的遺產”。

The election of Zimbabwe to lead the Southern Region of Africa in the Bureau of the African Union Commission on Infrastructure and Energy representing the Tourism sector, is happening when the Minister of Tourism and Hospitality Industry Hon. Dr. Walter Mzembi has successfully submitted his application to become the next Secretary General of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), for the next 4 years, from 2018 to 2021, to the Headquarters of the Madrid-based global tourism organization. Hon. Dr Walter Mzembi is currently continuing with his world-wide outreach effort to garner international support for the countrys bid represented by him to secure the top job at the UNWTO. Elections for the next Secretary General will take place at the UNWTO Headquarters in Madrid, Spain from 11 to 12 May 2017, during the course of the 105th session of the Organisations 33 member Executive Council meeting.

Asked what the election into AU-STC Bureau means to Zimbabwe’s bid for the top UNWTO post, Deputy Minister Anastancia Ndhlovu had this to say, “I can confirm that the election of Zimbabwe further re-affirms the visionary leadership qualities of Hon. Minister Mzembi, as the current Chairperson of the UNWTO Regional Commission for Africa (CAF) and the African Union-endorsed candidate for the UNWTO post, who has been very articulate on Zimbabwe’s and African tourism issues at a global scale. Therefore, this election will definitely be a boost to Hon. Minister Mzembi’s election bid, since the policy issues we pushed through to the apex of the African Union Commission on Infrastructure and Energy today reflect his vision for Africa’s tourism and the global tourism industry”.

津巴布韋一致選舉領導旅遊領域的 AU-STC 主席團是在 STC 會議上進行了長時間討論的背景下,津巴布韋在非盟 2063 年議程中採取了將旅遊業納入主流和製度化的立場及其結構,分別。 當非洲聯盟基礎設施和能源委員會同意在 2018 年 XNUMX 月之前在本組織的結構中設立一個旅遊局或單位,以便提供政策支持和協調提議的非洲旅遊組織。 目前,儘管在全球範圍內將該部門慶祝為繼燃料和化學品之後的第三大經濟活動,但 AUC 的所有結構中都沒有實際存在旅遊業。

The UNWTO 2016 Report indicates that global tourism grew by 4.6% in the year 2015 while Africa declined by 3% in the same year, the trend Zimbabwe is fighting to reverse for the benefit of all African countries and other developing tourist destinations of the world.

