Prostitution in Hawaii: Opportunity for travel and tourism?


It’s part of the travel and tourism industry, but not many like to talk about it. It’s legal in many parts of the world, illegal in many other parts of the world. It’s the oldest job in the world.

In Europe it’s business like usually in the red light district, in the United States exceptions to make prostitution a recognized and legal profession is only the case in some counties in the State of Nevada today.

This may change in the Aloha State Hawaii.  For many seen as a tourism paradise, Hawaii lawmakers are considering decriminalizing prostitution in the state after the speaker of the House introduced a bill that would also legalize buying sex and acting as a pimp. It would mean visitors could not only enjoy the white sandy beaches, the great food, shopping, but also they could buy sex in paradise.




夏威夷在賣淫調查方面有著不尋常的歷史。 直到 2014 年,警察與妓女發生性關係作為調查的一部分是合法的,但在美聯社強調了一個故事中的漏洞後,州立法者改變了這一點。

檀香山檢察官基思·金城 (Keith Kaneshiro) 表示,該法案將使解決全球性交易問題變得更加困難,因為“更難找到壞人,更難讓證人出庭作證。”

夏威夷民主黨 LGBT 核心小組主席 Michael Golojuch Jr. 表示,與性交易中的其他女性相比,跨性別女性的人數過多,因為她們面臨的歧視讓一些人覺得這是他們唯一可以獲得的工作。

Golojuch 個人支持將賣淫合法化的想法,但他說他和核心小組尚未對該法案採取正式立場。

眾議院多數黨領袖 Scott Saiki 表示,該法案和另一項將大麻合法化的法案可能是推動減少監獄人口的一部分。
