Kulala.com 與阿提哈德航空推出代碼共享協議


Etihad Airways, the national airline of the United Arab Emirates, continues to build its presence in Africa through a new codeshare agreement with kulula, South Africa’s award-winning low cost carrier.


阿提哈德航空將在 kulula 往返約翰內斯堡和這些熱門沿海城市的定期航班上添加其 EY 代碼。 該協議允許客人通過辦理登機手續和行李轉運至最終目的地。

 The new codeshare services will go on sale from 3 October 2016, with travel from the start of the Northern Winter schedule on 30 October.

與 kulula 的協議加強了阿提哈德航空對非洲的承諾,並通過與肯尼亞航空、摩洛哥皇家航空和戰略股權合作夥伴塞舌爾航空的現有代碼共享合作夥伴關係,將其在非洲大陸服務的目的地總數增加到 23 個。

阿提哈德航空首席執行官彼得·鮑姆加特納 (Peter Baumgartner) 表示:“kulula 是一家屢獲殊榮的創新航空公司,這項新的代碼共享協議表明了阿提哈德航空在加強我們在非洲的業務方面不斷增長的雄心。 通過該協議,kulula 將為入境旅客提供從約翰內斯堡到南非著名海岸線沿線的四個主要目的地的直接通道,我相信通過這種合作關係提供的擴展範圍將吸引商務和休閒旅客。”

Erik Venter, Chief Executive Officer of kulula’s parent company, Comair, said: “We are delighted to be adding Etihad Airways to our growing list of strategic airline partnerships and are excited about exploring additional opportunities to expand on the relationship. We look forward to welcoming Etihad Airways’ customers on board our flights.”
