Jamaica: Normalcy restored after Hurricane Matthew

Normalcy has returned to the island’s tourism sector after Jamaica was spared the brunt of Hurricane Matthew. The system, which did not make landfall in Jamaica, is now making its way along the western coast of Haiti. This as the Meteorological Service of Jamaica has indicated that though Matthew remains a Category 4 system the tropical storm warning has been discontinued, as the system is no longer considered a threat to the island. They have underscored that severe flooding is less likely today as the system moves further away from Jamaica.

鑑於颶風馬修的威脅級別降低,災害準備和應急管理辦公室 (ODPEM) 已將國家應急行動中心 (NEOC) 的活動縮減至 1 級激活。 因此,位於牙買加飛馬酒店的旅遊應急行動中心 (TEOC) 現已停用。

桑斯特國際機場繼續正常運營,而諾曼曼利國際機場於今天中午恢復正常運營。 所有海港也將於今天下午 3:00 重新開放,而遊輪定於明天,即 5 月 XNUMX 日抵達港口。

在讚揚旅遊合作夥伴在旅遊部長馬修通過期間保持警惕的同時。 Edmund Bartlett 強調,“由於牙買加酒店和旅遊協會 (JHTA) 概述,沒有關於旅遊實體受損的報告,所有旅遊合作夥伴都恢復正常運營,因此旅遊活動現已恢復正常。”

“隨著所有政府部委、部門和機構於今天上午 10:00 重新開放,當地企業也恢復正常運營,常態也正在恢復更廣泛的經濟。 公共交通系統今天也恢復了有限服務。 因此,牙買加絕對可以營業,”他補充道。
