Hong Kong withdraws no travel visa policy for Indians


In a surprise move, Hong Kong has withdrawn the no travel visa policy for Indians from January next year.

Now, Indian tourists will have to pre-register to enter the SAR (Special Administrative Regions) of China. So far, for a 15-day stay, there were no formalities as the SAR allowed to land in Hong Kong without any visa formalities.

It was learned that the step may have been taken as the no visa facility may have been abused by some.

香港在印度有一個活躍的旅遊代表,以促進旅游到受歡迎的目的地,這也是前往澳門旅遊的墊腳石。 在另一項發展中,泰國通過降低落地簽證費用,使印度人的旅行變得更便宜。

It is to be seen in days to come if these two developments will lessen travel by Indians to Hong Kong and to Thailand.
