China Aircraft Leasing Group receives “Best Investment Value Award”


The Awards were co-organized by, the leading stocks information provider in China, and, a listed company that provides online financial information. The award process followed a strict set of standards and reviewed several criteria, including applicants’ relevant financial performance, market capitalization and return on assets. Meanwhile, respected representatives from financial institutions, securities analysts, industry professionals and media veterans were polled online for their views and insights on the award applicants.

中飛租賃副行政總裁兼首席財務官莫百里先生表示:“我們很高興繼 2016 年 2017 月從香港媒體獲得另外兩個獎項後,獲得兩家中國金融媒體頒發的‘最佳投資價值獎’表彰優秀的上市公司。 這是XNUMX年的一個良好開端,在投資者對我們過去一年的努力的認可之後,我們將進一步推動取得更好的業績。 中飛租賃致力於在全球拓展業務,探索新的融資方案,追求創新和多元化的商業模式。 作為長期目標,我們將繼續開發創新的飛機融資租賃產品,加強融資結構,為客戶開拓綜合金融渠道,為航空公司客戶提供一站式飛機全價值鏈解決方案,作為全球化戰略的一部分和船隊擴張計劃,這將有助於保持我們在該行業的領先地位。 此外,我們將繼續提升風險管理能力和盈利能力,為股東創造更大價值。”
