
Bahamas tourism is vitally important to the economy of this island nation. White sandy beaches are a given, and yacht charters and cruises are one of the most desired activities to explore the Bahamas. It becomes specifically important to understand after all the rumors surrounding Bahamas Tourism after Hurricane Dorian.

When the Bahamian Prime Minister Hubert Minnis in a speech to the UN’s General Assembly invited tourists to make the trip to Bahamas beaches, stating: “Please come and visit one or more of the 14 other major islands in the Bahamas not affected by Hurricane Dorian.” ”The revenue from tourists visiting the Bahamas will play a vital role in reconstructing and rebuilding the affected areas,” Minnis explained. Around 70 percent of The Bahamas’ GDP comes from tourism.

Carla Stuart, Senior Director Cruise and Maritime Development for the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism & Aviation, showed her gratitude for all the aid the Bahamas government has received so far during the Monaco Yacht Show 2019’s ACREW seminar 2 months ago. She said: “We are so deeply appreciative of all the help and support we have received post-Dorian.” Stuart also welcomed visitors to the Bahamas, saying: “There’s still plenty for everyone to come and see, especially as reconstruction has been ongoing and The Abacos and Grand Bahama Island should be rebuilt soon.”

根據 奢華生活  a Bahamas yacht charter is therefore not only an exceptional experience but the more money you spend enjoying yourself, the more that will go back into the local economy, and back into helping the devastated communities recover from the recent natural disaster. And with so many places unaffected by Hurricane Dorian, you will still be able to enjoy all of the luxuries you would expect on any Caribbean yacht charter, from lively beach bars set upon fine white sand to 5-Star restaurants.

奢華生活 在其文章中 解釋:



新普羅維登斯(New Providence)尤其受歡迎,因為它是拿騷首都巴哈馬(Bahamas)的首都,每個角落都充滿著文化和刺激。 它還是一些真正精緻餐廳的所在地,例如Dune,米其林星級廚師Jean-Georges Vongerichten在那裡融合了法式亞洲美食和巴哈馬風味。

拿騷目前正在對加勒比最大的郵輪港口喬治王子碼頭進行擴建,使其可以容納更多更大的超級遊艇。 這個耗資250億美元的項目將把港口轉變為最先進的海濱目的地,提供豪華餐廳,娛樂設施和引人注目的建築特色。 同時,在天堂島上,高安全性颶風洞碼頭也正在進行大規模翻新,包括游泳池,兩家餐廳,一家銀行,一個美食市場以及更多泊位,預計將於2020年XNUMX月完工。

巴哈馬豪華遊艇租賃 絕不限於新普羅維登斯的樂趣。 朗姆礁被認為是巴哈馬保存最完好的秘密之一,因其歷史遺跡,生動的珊瑚礁,數英里的壯觀海灘和驚險的衝浪而聞名,使其成為水上運動愛好者的理想之選。 Exumas是一個天堂般的位置,將帶您來到Cloud Nine,擁有未受污染的海岸線和杜松子酒清澈的海水。 最終的浪漫目的地,一個島嶼甚至是您可以與之一起游泳的友好海豬的家園-您在世界上的其他地方會發現嗎? 同時,在貝里群島,您可以流浪數小時而不會看到另一個靈魂,使每個海灣都像是僻靜的私人海灘體驗。

每個主要島嶼都有其獨特的魅力,每個都值得一遊巴哈馬游艇租賃。 準備愛上每一個人。


Luckily, the best time to go is just around the corner. The ideal months to visit the Bahamas are from mid-December to mid-April, when you will experience delightfully warm temperatures between 65°F/18°C and 85°F/29°C and endless sunshine. Those on a Bahamas yacht charter will also enjoy the bath-like sea, which hovers around 27°C or 81°F, perfect for a relaxing swim or an exhilarating Jet Ski ride.

After the tragedy of Hurricane Dorian, you may have feared that the Bahamas would be off-limits while the regeneration efforts were underway. However, with plenty of the Bahamian Islands unaffected, and tourism revenue helping to rebuild Grand Bahama and Abaco, there’s never been a better time to go to the Bahamas.

巴哈馬群島遍布整個珊瑚群島,擁有700多個島嶼和珊瑚礁,距美洲大陸僅一個多小時的路程。 這些島嶼是加勒比海一些風景最美的海灘和海岸線的所在地,使巴哈馬成為水上運動,游泳,浮潛和潛水的休閒勝地。


老公巴哈馬旅遊部長迪奧尼西奧·德阿吉拉爾(Dionisio D'Aguilar)最近參加了60th 年度勞德代爾堡國際遊艇展(FLIBS)對巴哈馬的支持引起了極大的轟動,對於部長和巴哈馬群島群島而言,這無疑是一個了不起的機會。

巴哈馬以其負擔得起的豪華度假勝地而聞名,其中包括著名的全包式度假勝地。 涼鞋度假村。

有關巴哈馬的更多信息,請訪問 巴哈馬網

