安提瓜和巴布達將主辦 CTU ICT 週和研討會

The rapid pace of innovation in information and communication technologies (ICT) is impacting every aspect of Caribbean life. There is a clarion call for the region to keep abreast with and understand the potential of these new and revolutionary technologies to overcome the challenges faced by the Caribbean and to drive meconomic growth.

It is imperative that Caribbean leaders consider the opportunities presented by the ICT revolution and adopt the technologies that can transform all sectors and promote social and economic development.

Against this backdrop, the Government of Antigua and Barbuda, in collaboration with the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU), will be hosting the ICT Week and Symposium at the Sandals Grande Resort and Spa from March 20-24, 2017.  Ms. Bernadette Lewis, the Secretary General of the CTU noted that the theme for the Symposium is “ICT: Driving 21st Century Intelligent Services.” She explained the purpose of the Week’s activities as being “to raise awareness of the ICT revolution, the implications for policy, legislation and regulations and how they can be employed to transform existing operations; to foster social inclusion; provide ICT-based the challenges we face in the region and promote national and regional development.”

本週的活動包括一系列 ICT 活動,其中包括智能加勒比會議、第 15 屆加勒比部長級戰略 ICT 研討會、第 3 屆加勒比利益相關者會議:網絡安全和網絡犯罪,並以移動貨幣促進金融包容性培訓計劃達到高潮。

在智慧加勒比大會上,作為ICT Week的白金贊助商,華為將展示雲計算、虛擬化、大數據、地理信息系統(GIS)、物聯網(IoT)和生態系統軟件開發等新ICT套件 (eSDK) 可用於創建全面的端到端智能加勒比解決方案。 解決方案包括平安城市、智慧城市運營中心、一站式政務服務、智慧交通以及醫療、教育和旅遊應用。

第十五屆加勒比部長級信息通信技術戰略研討會將重點關注信息通信技術在金融服務領域的應用,並將探索為所有公民提供安全金融服務的新模式; 使用加密貨幣; 網絡安全和為該地區 ICT 發展融資的創新方式。

加勒比利益攸關方會議 III:網絡安全和網絡犯罪將促進討論制定適當措施和資源以實施加勒比網絡安全和網絡犯罪行動計劃。

由 GSMA 推動的移動貨幣普惠金融培訓計劃旨在深入了解移動貨幣服務的運作方式、所涉及的利益相關者和監管推動者,以及跨網絡互操作性等關鍵問題.

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有關更多信息,請訪問 CTU網站.
