Rwanda: Investment opportunities in the hotbed for luxury and leisure tourism

The Rwanda Development Board (RDB) today held a press conference to announce the Africa Hotel Investment Forum that is happening in Kigali, Rwanda from 4th to 6th October.

該論壇將為盧旺達提供一個絕佳的平台,以展示其在酒店和旅遊業的巨大投資機會。 在新聞發布會上,首席旅遊官Belise Kariza鼓勵與會人員發現各種機會,尤其是基伍帶盧旺達的旅遊和款待天堂以及盧旺達以西基伍帶的六個主要房地產。

“盧旺達是一種戰略投資選擇,主要是因為我們提供了支持性的商業環境,並提供24/7全天候在線提供的所有必要服務。 卡里扎說:“由於旅遊業是該國的主要支柱,政府是主要的利益相關者,並已十分注意發展必要的基礎設施,以支持該行業的發展,例如強勁的道路,供水和電力。”

The key investment opportunities presented include: a hot spring eco-tourism resort on the Rubavu Peninsula, an entertainment and leisure complex in Rubavu, a five-star golf resort and residential villas, an Ecolodge on Gihaya Island, a premium boutique hotel and tourism center in Rusizi and the completion of a five-star conference and leisure hotel in Rusizi district.

The respective projects range in value from $50 up to $152 million. Rwanda’s western province is a popular tourist destination given its vicinity to the Volcanoes National Park, home of the mountain gorillas and its current offering of lakeside resorts and water sports. According to tourism statistics, the industry registered more than US $ 340m in revenues in 2015 indicating a 10% increase from 2014.

“As we develop more tourism packages, it is important that we diversify our offering in terms of luxury accommodations and amenities for our clients. Lake Kivu is literally paradise on earth and presents the opportunity for Rwanda to become a resort destination,” she added.  The Kivu belt offers a breath-taking, incredible scenery, exquisite weather and accessibility making it attractive holiday destination. The Kivu Belt houses prime lakeside properties, flora and fauna, cultural and heritage sites and nature trails.

非洲酒店投資論壇(AHIF)是非洲首屈一指的酒店投資會議,吸引了許多著名的國際酒店所有者,投資者,金融家和管理公司。 該論壇提供了一個信息交流,知識傳播的平台,更重要的是,這是將盧旺達推向酒店投資者決策者理想投資目的地的機會。