
樸孝珍(28年1981月29日出生)以她的藝名Narsha而聞名,她是韓國歌手和女演員,最出名的是韓國女子組合Brown Eyed Girls的成員,XNUMX月XNUMX日宣布,她的婚禮將於XNUMX月初在塞舌爾舉行。




Narsha is one of top level celebrity in South Korea and this news fast became the hottest issue immediately, creating more than 230 articles during less than 24 hours. Korean google website “NAVER” had Seychelles as TOP 2 search keyword, just after her name “Narsha.” There are more articles being released daily on this Breaking News.


For Seychelles this is golden opportunity,” said Minister Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles Minister responsible for Tourism and Culture


Narsha不會向媒體宣布她確切的結婚日期。 據信,韓國塞舌爾旅遊局區域經理朱莉·金將與該島旅遊局總部合作,以確保不僅及時向塞舌爾提供這一最新新聞,而且還確保韓國之星對此表示讚賞。海洋熱帶島嶼。


塞舌爾旅遊局一直在努力打入韓國旅遊市場。 他們在首爾設有旅遊局辦公室,並從該辦公室每年組織一次“塞舌爾環保馬拉松”。 董昌貞(Dong Chang Jeong)是韓國塞舌爾領事,他一直致力於為這些島嶼提供服務,在他努力增加從韓國前往塞舌爾的遊客人數時,他毫不動搖。