
國際航空運輸協會 (IATA)宣布6.2月份全球旅客需求保持健康,所有地區均呈增長態勢。 總收入乘客公里數(RPK)與去年同期相比增長了XNUMX%。

儘管這比8.1月份的同比增長5.5%有所下降,但它標誌著高峰客運旺季的堅實開端。 根據國際航空運輸協會(IATA)的數據,每月運力(可用座位公里數)增加了0.6%,載客率上升了85.2個百分點,達到了XNUMX月份創紀錄的XNUMX%。

“該行業發布了又一個穩定的流量增長月份。 而且,創紀錄的載客率表明,航空公司在滿足需求的能力部署方面正變得更加高效。 但是,成本上漲,尤其是燃油成本上漲,很可能會限制我們希望通過降低機票價格獲得的刺激。 因此,我們希望與2017年相比,增長會繼續放緩。”國際航協總幹事兼首席執行官Alexandre de Juniac說道。

(% year-on-year) World share RPK ASK PLF



與5.3年2017月相比,8.2月國際旅客需求增長了4.7%,與85.0月的XNUMX%增長相比有所下降。 根據國際航空運輸協會(IATA)的說法。 總容量攀升了XNUMX%,負載率微升了XNUMX個百分點,達到XNUMX%。 所有地區均實現增長,三個月來首次以亞太地區為首。

• Asia-Pacific airlines’ July traffic rose 7.5% over the year-ago period, a slowdown compared to June growth of 9.6%. Capacity increased 6.0% and load factor rose 1.1 percentage points to 82.1%. Growth is being supported by a combination of robust regional economic growth and an increase in route options for travelers.

• European carriers posted a 4.4% rise in traffic for July compared to a year ago, down from 7.1% annual growth in June. On a seasonally-adjusted basis, passenger volumes have been tracking sideways for the past three months, reflecting mixed developments on the economic front and possible traffic impacts related to air traffic control strikes across the region. Capacity rose 3.9%, and load factor climbed 0.5 percentage point to 89.1%, highest among the regions.

• Middle East carriers had a 4.8% increase in demand for July, well down on the 11.2% growth recorded for June, although this mainly is attributable to volatility in the data a year ago, rather than any major new developments. The region has been negatively impacted by a number of policy measures over the past 18 months, including the ban on portable electronic devices and travel restrictions. July capacity climbed 6.5% compared to a year ago and load factor dropped 1.3 percentage points to 80.3%.

• North American airlines’ traffic climbed 4.1% compared to July a year ago. This was down from 6.0% growth in June, but still ahead of the 5-year average pace for carriers in the region as strong momentum in the US economy is helping underpin a pick-up in international demand for airlines there. July capacity rose 2.8% with the result that load factor climbed 1.1 percentage points to 87.2%, second highest among the regions.

• Latin American airlines experienced a 3.8% rise in traffic in July, the slowest growth among the regions and a decline from 5.6% year-over-year growth in June. Capacity rose 4.6% and load factor slid 0.6 percentage point to 84.2%. Signs of softening demand have come alongside disruption from the general strikes in Brazil.

• African airlines’ July traffic rose 6.8%, second highest among the regions. Although this represented a decline from 11.0% growth recorded in June, the seasonally-adjusted trend remains strong. Capacity rose 3.9%, and load factor jumped 2.1 percentage points to 76.0%. Higher oil and commodity prices are supporting economies in a number of countries.


7.8月份國內旅行需求同比增長8.0%,與6.9月份的0.8%增長基本一致。 所有市場的年增長率都很高,中國,印度和俄羅斯的增長率都達到了兩位數。 國內運力上升85.6%,載客率上升XNUMX個百分點至XNUMX%。


(% year-on-year) World share RPK ASK PLF

中國PR 9.1%14.8%14.3%0.4%84.6%
俄羅斯聯邦儲備銀行。 1.4%10.8%10.2%0.5%90.9%

• Russia’s domestic traffic soared 10.8% in July–a 13-month high–as rising world oil prices are helping support economic activity as well as incomes and jobs.

• US domestic traffic also surged to a 5-month high of 5.6%, well above the 5-year average of 4.2%, boosted by the rising US economy.


“今年下半年開始了堅實的開端。 我們在XNUMX月遇到的強烈需求證實了夏天是人們想要旅行,探索新地方並與朋友和家人團聚的時候。 不幸的是,對於歐洲的航空旅行者來說,夏天也帶來了延誤和令人失望的時刻,而對於航空公司而言,這意味著接受日程安排的低效率和更長的飛行時間。 那是因為空中交通容量未能跟上需求的步伐,並且因為某些管制員利用高峰交通時段的機會發動罷工和降低工作速度。 旅行者希望準時去度假。 歐洲委員會,成員國和空中航行服務提供商已經過去採取緊急行動,消除歐洲領空瓶頸,並勸阻空中交通管制員在對合同不滿意時對航空旅行者進行懲罰,”國際航協局局長亞歷山大·德·朱尼亞克(Alexandre de Juniac)表示。總經理兼首席執行官。